Brúsne pasty sada (zelená, červená a biela)
Code: P03Related products
Product detailed description
Tri rôzne druhy brusných látok:
Biela brúsna zmes (25g) - zrnitosť 28 mikrónov
Červená leštiaca zmes na nože (25g) - zrnitosť 14 mikrónov
Zelená pasta oxidu chromu (25g) - zrnitosť 7 mikrónov
Ako používať leštiacu zmes:
- Leštiaci prostriedok sa nanáša na leštiacu špongiu jemným dotykom na kruh počas otáčania.
- Pri leštení predmet mierne pritlačte na leštiacu podložku.
- Leštiaci prostriedok by sa mal naniesť na celý povrch kože.
- Pri vymazávaní a vyblednutí z kože by ste mali vrstvu zmesi obnoviť.
- Zeleno-sivú leštiacu zmes môžete naniesť aj na kožený remienok a leštenú čepeľ nožov, dlát, hoblíkov a holiacich strojčekov.
Additional parameters
Category: | Abrasive pastes and oils |
Dlžka: | 7,5 cm |
Výška: | 1,5 cm |
Širka: | 2 cm |
Zrnitosť: | 7, 14 a 28 mikrónov |
Hmotnosť: | +- 25g / ks |
Krajina pôvodu: | Ukrajina |
BeaverCraft is a Ukrainian manufacturer of wood carving tools. To start with, we’ve been looking for high-quality woodcarving tools for quite some time. The situation didn’t fit our needs at all, either the products were too expensive and the quality was low or it was the complete opposite, we hit on the great quality items for the huge price. So we didn’t meet with the success in finding the appropriate products, for which the price corresponded the quality. That’s why we managed to set up our own company called BeaverCraft, and in the latter 2014 we hit the market.From the very first day, we manufacture the products that go with already mentioned three terms such as quality, reliability and the satisfying price. We are open to discovering new horizons, self-development and company amendment. If you’re into the same goals, let us know. We’d be happy to have a talk and share some opinions on the matter!