Boride T2 sharpening stone set 8 pcs
Code: BORIDET2KITRelated products
Product detailed description
Boride T2 sharpening stones
The sharpening stones are made from aluminum oxide and are rock-solid. As such the stones quickly remove material and hardly wear out. Boride states that the T2 collection is the best collection to sharpen stainless steel. You can, however, also sharpen other types of steel with these sharpening stones. You can use the sharpening stones with water or sharpening oil. Make sure, however, that if you use sharpening oil once, you always need to use sharpening oil! Water is not as effective in sharpening which has already been used with sharpening oil.
T2 series stones are made of aluminum oxide and use a very strong bond. As a result, these stones are high-performance and their wear rate is below average. Boride T2 is recommended for working with stainless steel.
Material: aluminum oxide
Size of stones:150x25x6 mm
Size with blanks:160x25x9 mm
Gritness: F150, F220, F320, F400, F600, F800, F1000, F1200
Boride stones should be used with one of these lubricants:
- Refined olive oil
- Oleic aсid
- TSPROF Liquid for abrasive stones
Additional parameters
Category: | SHARPENERS |
Zrnitosť: | F150, F220, F320, F400, F600, F800, F1000, F1200 |
Abrazívny materiál: | oxid hlinitý |
Odporúčaná chladiaca kvapalina: | voda, olej |
Celková dĺžka: | 15,9 cm |
Dĺžka brúsnej časti: | 15,2 cm |
Širka: | 2,5 cm |
Celková hrúbka: | 9,2 mm |
Hrúbka brúsnej časti: | 6 mm |
Počet kameňov v balení: | 8 kusov |
TSPROF je rúská firma, ktorá vyrába jedny z najlepších brúsnych systémov na nože a dláta na svete. Prvé dizajnérske práce na základných prvkoch brúsky Profile sa začali už v roku 2010. Dovtedy zavedené metódy ručného brúsenia sa uskutočňovali hlavne pomocou primitívnych plastových „záloh“ vyrobených vo forme mnohých čínskych klonov.